NeoSurrealismArt George Grie

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Subliminal Message or Optical Illusion of Conscious Perception
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Art posters and framed prints by fineartamerica

Subliminal message is a conditional title of the work. It is an experimental attempt to combine several images, optical illusions, and several food chain meanings of the canvas. The picture has been designed to be viewed from different distance witch gives an observer a dissimilar conscious perception. Below is the brief information abut its subject matter. Subliminal messages are synonymous with mind control, a form of deceptive mental manipulation. On the positive side, subliminal messages can be used as self-development tools to reprogram the subconscious mind. Subliminal messages, on the other hand, are likewise real and similar to supraliminal messages except that the signal or stimulus is below our threshold of conscious awareness.

In order to study the effects of subliminal stimuli, researchers often prime the participants with specific visual stimuli, often images, and determine if those stimuli elicit different responses. Subliminal stimuli have mostly been studied in the context of emotion, in particular, researchers have focused a lot of attention to the perception of faces and how subliminal presentation to different facial expression affects emotion. Visual subliminal stimuli has also been used to study emotion eliciting stimuli and simple geometric stimuli. A significant amount of research has been produced throughout the years to demonstrate the effects of subliminal visual stimuli.

People often confuse subliminal messages with supraliminal messages. The latter are stimuli or signals that we can see or hear but we are not consciously aware of their impact on our behavior. In terms of visual images, a subliminal message would be flashed across a screen in just a few milliseconds, too small a window for you to be aware of it. Human mind is extremely perceptive, sometimes it makes us believe in things that we do not even see. It is not a secret that many witnesses to a crime give sometimes contradicting statements about the color of criminal’s hair, eyes, their weight or even race. And if the crime happened very fast, the witnesses are not able to determine the sequence of the crime events. This visual effect sometimes called a blurred vision. A witness saw everything, but is not able recall the details.

What this means is that many so-called subliminal messages reported to appear in movies, advertising, music, and so on that are popular with conspiracy theorists aren’t subliminal at all, but most likely either supraliminal or figments of the viewer or listener’s imagination. One may consider this picture a referencing allegory to Dali’s work Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening. However, I did not see it till the picture had been finished. In addition, the optical illusion of Victor’s Vasarely work, In the Labyrinth of Modernism has been interlaced with the set of food chain images.

Ttitle Rus: Подсознательное ощущение или оптическая иллюзия размытого восприятия

Software used: 3ds Max®, Adobe Photoshop®, Adobe Illustrator®, Photo Stock

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Digital art, neo surrealism, artwork, painting, artist, fine art, optical illusion, shark, eagle, composing, Sensory Threshold, ideas, flying fish, surrealist, artwork, painting, artist, fine art, predator, danger, shape, silhouette, landscape, sea wave, killer, hunter, risk, threat, flying, impression, deseption, delusion, metaphoric, print poster, illustration, publishing, connection, food chain, feeling, emotion, energy, horizon, nature, visualisation, experiment, test, drawing, S. Dali, Victor Vasarely, study Subliminal Message or Optical Illusion of Conscious Perception | experimental surrealism
Subliminal Message or Optical Illusion of Conscious Perception | experimental surrealism
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