Yin & Yang Sanctuary or Pass to Inner Peace
The Yin and Yang dualism concept of ancient Chinese philosophy is quite strait forward.
The opposite forces of natural world are codependent and interrelated. They are helping each other to keep everything as a whole. Night and day, water and fire, hot and cold, etc. are parts of one eco system. The balance between two opposites is paramount because their imbalance might lead to natural catastrophes such as earthquakes, floods, and pandemics. This fundamental principle dated from the 3rd century BCE, and in Chinese mythology, they were born from chaos when the universe was first created.
The ethics of Yin and Yang apply to one’s personality as well and describe the contrast between masculine and feminine, passive and active, androgynes and primate, introversion and extroversion. Depending on which one dominates your personality, builds up your behavioral pattern. Yin and Yang energies form your unique personality and are necessary for a fully functioning existence. Which one are you? Would you rather be the one in control or you prefer to be led by someone else? Maybe you are an equal combination of the two. We all are struggling at times to make a critical decision, select a direction in life, choose right vs wrong. The stress and anxiety to make a right decision is a manifestation of our duality trying to find a balance and compromise. Finding a balance helps you to calm down and relax, and seeing clearly the pass to move forward. Transcendental meditation has been practiced in India for thousands of years. It reduces stress, calms the mind and increases inner peace.
Inner balance or inner peace is a state of being in mental and spiritual equilibrium. The pass to inner peace gives you enough knowledge and understanding to stay strong and face stress or any other challenges your life might bring to you. There are many ways to achieve balance to your Yin and Yang. The most common are: concentrate on things you can control, be assertive, meditate, be true to yourself, yoga, etc. Some of them might work for you, some will not. Finding the right ones is a challenge itself. You probable already know that most our problems are rooted in the mind. We tend to see and interpret external events negatively and that causes mental conflict of our Yin and Yang, resulting in some form of emotional suffering. Stay positive!
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Yin & Yang Sanctuary or Pass to Inner Peace, surreal meditation