NeoSurrealismArt George Grie |
Symbolic visual representation, in other words allegory, has a lot in common with a concept of real estate. In our blurred world real estate embodies security and substance, personifying the abstract idea of well-being into something quite material, like a house or an apartment. Real estate prices have nothing in common with real values of the world we live in. Those prices are dramatically affected by numerous immediate factors such as location and overall allure of the surroundings. This image tried to capture allegorically the feeling of real estate on a whim. Times change, and who knows – maybe one day the perception of a prime location will force us to develop gills. In any case, “real estate” of one’s mind can be very much different from the existing real estate values. Visual perception of light in this image creates a convincing illusion of a surreal world where both underwater and above water existence strikingly melt into the background of a unifying fog.
“I had a dream of being in an underwater mansion, woke up and wrote a poem of it, then searched for an image to go with it, this one was more perfect than I imagined. ” Kerry Cox
This seeded scene stuck in my waking gleam rugged and rich, mansions I’ve lived in under water
through windows I may have fallen from, ladders I walked under, held myself a loft on, against old buildings I still might jump from someday
through telephone wires I parachuted through, mouths I let myself be eaten by upset acres of land staring back at me from 13,000feet
and the sleeping sounds of other rooms, the closing windows without locks the way the Cheshire moon grinned, at my uncertainty the crumbs on my own tongue
and the wanting, the unwanting, the dim lit hallways taking in the soft sounds of my walking away.
Unbereaved, my wet eyes are stuck on this sad morning full of rain and quiet June birds tired of the same old song
I bring some of this sleep side science to my living skin, drape myself in words, scent, silence remembering a face that threw me through the window in to empty space.
Dream iii by Kerry Cox
Software media: Adobe Photoshop ®, Adobe Illustrator ®, Autodesk 3ds Max ®, Photo Stock,
George Grie, August 2004
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