NeoSurrealismArt George Grie |
Mindful State of Meditation image is a remake of the previous image of Confluence. I returned to this image sometime later. I felt that I did not convey full potentials of this picture. Human mind is such a complex device that none of the efforts to depict it’s functionality is not going to reflect it’s true abilities and depth, only scratch the surface. These two images are clearly look alike and yet they are completely different in substance. The first one is tranquil and dreamy, and the second one is actively creative and purposeful.
The options of creative elements building over the head island are endless, but still, after trying many versions I ended up with the castle or cathedral as the most universal. It is hard to tell if the mind cathedral has been built or destroyed. And this is exactly the point. In the mindful state of meditation, the images are coming and go, they are forming one minute and dissipating in the next. While the environmental surrounding is calm and somewhat still, the center of the mind consciousness is constantly evolving. It is building castles and fractal flashes, it is doing to darkness and emerging with colorful lights. Nothing is affixed there, everything is animated, live and unstable. In real life, the skies and sea are the most animated substances, but here they are stepping back providing a place for the central island of mindfulness.
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