NeoSurrealismArt George Grie

Home Paintings
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Ghost ship series: Pirate shipwreck surrealism, In Search of Meaning In Search of Lost Time Fall of Lucifer Pieta: Gods and Heroes series surrealism, The Mind Cave or Paranoid non-bizarre delusion
The way out or Suicidal ideation - modern art surrealism prints, 3d wallpaper, digital art posterGhost ship series: The birth of the legendHabitat for humanityEyes are windows to the soul

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Haunting Goth or Conception of Gothic music lyrics Insomnia or Nocturnal Awakening The island of lost hopes Ghos ship-series The lost expedition
Panic Attack or Anxiety PTSD - modern art surrealism prints, digital 3d art wallpaper picture White Castle or Voluntary Incarceration - modern art prints 3d digital surrealism poster The Immortals Society - modern art surrealism prints, 3d wallpaper, digital art poster Going towards the light - modern art prints 3d digital surrealism poster

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Art posters and framed prints by fineartamerica
Dreams of Flying or Sleep Paralysis Mindscape or virtual reality dreamscape Deception or Samson and Delilah Ghost ship series: Chasing the light - modern 3d surrealism digital art Print
Ice Age Premonition or Infinite Iceberg Synthesizer - modern art surrealism poster 3d digital art wallpaperWhite Castle or Voluntary Incarceration - modern art prints 3d digital surrealism poster Final Frontier Voyager (FES) The Flat Earth Society - modern 3d surrealism digital art Print Arrested Expansion - modern neo surrealism calendars digital art 3d wallpapers
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Artist’s Notes:

I am writing these notes to answer your potential inquiries about sources of my artistic inspiration and some of my works' subject matters.

My new picture concepts might come from anywhere: curious window views, fantastic movie scenes, or routine commercial media visuals. The ideas are in the air. They are all over the place. Usually, future compositions come as a vague visualization of something amusingly nonstandard, something you might define as extraordinary or out of the ordinary. Typically, the first impression transforms considerably by the end of the creative process. I am surprised to see how different the results are from my original thoughts most of the time.

I am trying to merge real-world images with subconscious emotions and philosophical thoughts in most of my artworks. Many of my creations are similar to mental puzzles where you can take a trip from one point to the very end by analyzing symbolic objects. Occasionally, the subject matter of the picture is unclear. It happens when the path is hiding under layers of mutually excepted items. Sometimes, an image could appear almost abstract and meaningless, but there is always something for you to discover.

I do not force my comprehension of a picture or push my philosophical opinions about it on viewers. I only hint at them by image titles. You are free to interpret or translate my artwork content in any way close to you only. My view or even existence should not bother you. Your job is to build picture concepts based on your knowledge, world perception, preferences, and sensitivity.
George Grie, comments 2003

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George Grie Modern art surrealism digital artist: poart prints, posters, wallpapers. The official website of popular surrealist artist.

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