Angels and Demons or Angel of Mercy
The Angel of Mercy is meant to be the most compassionate and caring of all angels. His gentle radiating nature leaves no place for any hidden agenda as he embraces the suffering and soothes pain. But there is a definite duality in his image: he is also portrayed as a Grim Reaper being the last spirit that everyone sees before death. His task is to end the pain and bring souls back home, to the Kingdom of God. However, this controversy can only be seen on Earth as the distinction between good or bad angels only applies to human world. The battlefield of two equal principles is restricted to human confines where the inferiority of the Evil One’s characteristics is traditionally predetermined.
Angels and Demons or Kiss of Eros
Spirit of Repentance and Hope
Angels and Demons or Angel of Mercy
Angels and Demons or Angel of Light
Angels and Demons or Angel of Infinity
It is interesting that the existing connotation of a term “fallen angel” doesn’t hold water: fallen originally meant “descended from Heavens”. This overall attitude to fallen, or dark, angels as castaways from Heavens for rebellious actions against God seems to have been adopted by the majority of Christians. However, it is forgotten that these actions were possible because angels were granted free will in the first place. Rebellion typically included either sufficient doubt in God’s motives or rejection of the system.
Angel of Mercy’s concept has found its way into argot of industrialists and criminals. As an industry term it is used to describe a powerful company in a process of absorbing smaller, weaker companies for a greater good and massive prosperity. When it comes to criminal world, the major principle remains: angel of mercy finds himself in a position to decide whether the victim lives or dies and how the victim dies.
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(title Rus.) Серия Ангелы и Демоны: Дух Милосердия
George Grie, March 2008
Fallen Angel demon religion faith skull death Angels Deities, spirits and mythic beings Judeo-Christian, religions New Age Hebrew Bible landscape skies, unexplained magical the supernatural Spiritual, religious sacred divine Monster creature Dark mystical dangerous, Surrealistic phantasmagoric Tranquil calm serene.
Angels and Demons or Angel of Mercy
Angels and Demons or Angel of Mercy