NeoSurrealismArt George Grie

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Surreal, neo-surrealism, digital, artist, matte painting, dropping archangel, ruined daydreams, man, figure, falling, disastrous ambitions, despair, distress, graphic, clouds, wings, shore, seascape, illusion, optical, experimental, picture, fantasy, misery, desolation, hopelessness, fragments, optical illusion, expression, dynamic, low viewpoint, concept, image, rock music, epic, atmospheric, silence, 3d, 3-dimensional, death idea, black metall
Way Down We Go or Falling Angel
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Art posters and framed prints by fineartamerica
There are two universal descriptions of this picture that I see. It is either an angel falling from the skies or a symbolic man losing his grace. Both interpretations are accurate due to their straightforward representation. The idea of fallen angels has deep roots in many religions, and it has been exploited endlessly in cultural artifacts. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are using similar narratives over the origin of this phenomenon. All falling angels’ misdeeds are attributed to their connection to humans—the concept of fallen angels dated way to the period between 500 BC and 50 AD.

The originals are only three fallen angels called Azazel, Azza, and Uzza. There is no mention of the reason for their fall. They also have a different name in religious scripts, such as watchers or holy ones. The Greek word for watchers is Egregoroi which translates as wakeful. Many of those who familiar with the concept of Transurfing are well aware of this term. I see a direct connection between history and modern days here. As well as religiosity and an emotional or phycological state of one’s mind. “Transurfing of reality” by Vadim Zeland is a series of books that build up his iconic piece of esoteric philosophy.

According to his concept, the world has an infinite amount of variations and forms of reality. People who think in the same direction create invisible energy-informational structures that directly affect us in daily life. They are called pendulums or Egregores. Once they appear, pendulums can put people that created them under control. They don’t have a consciousness. Their sole purpose of existence is to draw energy from their followers. By accepting and transmitting the negative energy, you create your individual hell. By accepting and transmitting the positive energy, you create your individual heaven.

Someone could interpret this concept image differently due to its universality. Falling angel, shuttered dreams, failed aspirations, depression, disappointment, etc. “Do we get what we deserve? Yes, we get what we deserve. And way down we go…” Kaleo. There is nothing much to say.
George Grie, June 2021

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Surreal, neo-surrealism, digital, artist, matte painting, dropping archangel, ruined daydreams, man, figure, falling, disastrous ambitions, despair, distress, graphic, clouds, wings, shore, seascape, illusion, optical, experimental, picture, fantasy, misery, desolation, hopelessness, fragments, optical illusion, expression, dynamic, low viewpoint, concept, image, rock music, epic, atmospheric, silence, 3d, 3-dimensional, death idea, black metal Way Down We Go or Falling Angel
Way Down We Go or Falling Angel
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