NeoSurrealismArt George Grie

Home ArtPrints Paintings
surreal gothic divider
modern surrealism painting, contemporary surrealist graphic drawing,  Digital remake metaphor Neosurrealism art picture, poster, print Goth fantasy landscape artist digital 3d photography matte painting computer, woman dangerous model predator alien beauty fighter war body figure, gloom surreal artistic sci-fi allegorical, allegory symbolism Surrealism art gothic music posing wallpaper 2d poster mystic print, seductive female evil killer extraterrestrial magnificence warrior dressed outline darkness skull underwear sky castle ruins.
The Three Graces: Gods and Heroes series, science fiction surrealism
surreal gothic divider
Art posters and framed prints by fineartamerica
(Remake). The Three Graces (“Charities” in Greek mythology) are goddesses of charm, beauty, and creativity – just the things the 20th century Western society has started to be obsessed with, physical beauty of a woman being of number one importance. Popular culture, fashion industry, film industry, and advertising have greatly – to say the least – profited from this maniacal preoccupation with physical appearance.

Gods & Heroes Series
The Three Graces, surreal art print
The Birth of Venus, surreal art wallpaper
Moonlight Bathing Valkyries, surreal art poster

Early human history demonstrated another approach to beauty which was considered by ancient philosophers, such as Plato, to be more of an inspirational instrument, rather than a challenge for a simple mortal. The divine beauty – the true beauty – could not be cognitively perceived and interpreted; it was put on the pedestal and taken for granted. According to Plato, beauty is inherent in the object itself. Later on, Immanuel Kant, the 18th-century German philosopher, added that the judgment of beauty is purely subjective; therefore it cannot fall under any category of reasoning.

We live, however, in a real world driven by a major brainwashing obsession of how-to-become-an-ever-slimming-and-make-up-perfecto-sex-icon. Hollywood industry would surely be the first to have dumped the initial pile of so-called beauty icons onto the general population. Pretty movie faces always had an extra touch – up-front sexuality. Unisex psychology was also very successfully introduced throughout the last century, by means of clothing and behavioural patterns of bona-fide icons, such as Madonna and Cher, who clearly combined both feminine and masculine archetypal qualities in their PR images.

Search for real beauty – or, rather, what defines real beauty – reminds me of the Holy Grail quest. Body art, Gothic, Goth, retro, medieval, Greek, - all of these popular trends have left their imprints on a never-ending path to finding true perfection. How far it will continue into the future and what will become of it, is another story. But this fascination is sure to outlive at least the current century.

This image is a remake of ‘The three graces, Goth mode style’. It is highly unusual for me to revise my older works, but this one has been bothering me for quite some time. I have decided to retouch colour so that the overall mood would be similar to a series’ image ‘Moonlight Bathing Valkyries’.

(Title Rus) Три Грации; серия Боги и Герои
Software media: Adobe Photoshop, Autodesk 3ds Max, Smith Micro Poser, Daz Studio, Paint Shop Pro Photo,
George Grie, July 2010

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Digital remake metaphor Neosurrealism art picture, poster, print Goth fantasy landscape artist digital 3d photography matte painting computer, woman dangerous model predator alien beauty fighter war body figure, gloom surreal artistic sci-fi allegorical, allegory symbolism Surrealism art gothic music posing wallpaper 2d poster mystic print, seductive female evil killer extraterrestrial magnificence warrior dressed outline darkness skull underwear sky castle ruins. The Three Graces: Gods and Heroes series, science fiction surrealism
The Three Graces: Gods and Heroes series, science fiction surrealism
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