The Serenity Prayer or Tranquility Meditation
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. With all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time. ’’ For many people who are seeking peace of mind, harmony, strength, and wisdom, those simple words have helped through the darkest hours in desperate situations. The Prayer has been written by American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr who may not be the original author.
For those who may be curious and for those who are looking for the full power that lays within The Serenity Prayer it is one of the key spiritual tools used by many recovery and support groups. Literally millions of people have been helped and strengthened by few simple lines of wisdom. People tend to believe that the interior power of self-control which leads to redemption can come only from a force greater than them. They believe that they would find the peace, courage, and knowledge they seek from the superior and outside icon. It would help them to face another hard decision, another right step, and another day.
The underwater Buddha picture was originally designed as a snowy landscape background for another work. Nevertheless, due to its evident quality it has been promoted to a standalone artwork. The tranquil overtones of the scene prompted me naming it the way I did. The amalgamation of the ocean bottom calmness and the majesty of snow covered mountains give you the perception of meditation. Consequently, the grandeur sculpture of Gautama Buddha dominated the center of the scene. The circling white sharks could be one’s personal demons that one is able to manage and control. The true interpretation of the work belongs to a viewer, as always. This is my first attempt to work after the six-month chemo-therapy treatment. It was a real chilling experience of a terminally ill person. I am getting better every day now, and I hope this picture will grow to the artwork it was initially intended for.
(Title Rus) Молитва о Безмятежности или Медитация Успокоения
Software media: Autodesk 3ds Max ®, Adobe Photoshop ®, Adobe Illustrator ®, Photo Stock
George Grie, November 2012
Requiem sharks, Buddha, zen, buddhism, religion, sitting, meditation, statue, sculpture, stone, isolated, white, za-zen, enlightenment, chinese, Underwater fish, ocean, predator, research, shark, sharks, underwater, sea, fog, glow, dark, blue, mist, stone, rocks, moody, water, space, gloom, heaven, mystic, nature, scenery, evening, fantasy, artwork, surreal, mystical, dramatic, majestic, backdrop, overcast.
The Serenity Prayer or Tranquility Meditation | surreal enlightenment
The Serenity Prayer or Tranquility Meditation | surreal enlightenment